On Jul 13, 2018, at 17:11, Carol Willing <willi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If I look at the many important roles that Guido has played, I personally 
> believe that he has been someone who encouraged many women (and I'm sure 
> others as well) and most importantly provided a safe place to share ideas. If 
> we reflect on Mariatta's PyCon talk and Summit talk, it's clear that we 
> should not overlook this role as growth and improvements still need to happen 
> here.

Maybe we refactor this particular role of the BDFL?  It may be that given 
Guido’s passion for this topic, he would still want to be active.  If so, he 
would certainly still have the stature, respect, and voice to continue to 
promote this within the community.  Of course, we don’t know whether that’ll be 
the case or not.

It’s a good question though: should the Council primarily concern itself with 
technical details of language evolution, or take on more of the other roles 
that Guido traditional performed?  Or do you see more of an overlap there 
(other than through the person embodying that role)?


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