We already have https://python.zulipchat.com/ setup.

I don't hang around there all the time, but I usually re-open a window
there around pycons and core dev sprints.


On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 4:53 PM Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote:

> I’ve found Gitter works well. I’d use that, assuming it was only open to
> core devs and invitees.
> On Thu, May 13, 2021 at 16:39 Senthil Kumaran <sent...@python.org> wrote:
>> Hello Core Dev,
>> I find a need for a core-dev chat service, wherein I could engage in
>> some quick effervescent conversations.
>> It is like a team chat, that is popular with remote work these days.
>> We even seem to have used Zoom Chat yesterday!
>> * I know #python-dev in IRC exists, but it is mostly a channel for
>> bots to send notifications, and there are plenty.  I am not certain if
>> any core dev is active there. There was a time when this was active.
>> * We tried python discord last year, and were bit overwhelmed with the
>> number of channels and inability to customize
>> * There seems to be Slack called pyslackers too[1]. I am yet to try it.
>> To have a proper team-chat, we need a service (a) as well as (b) team
>> using that.
>> Does anyone else feel the need? Should we explore any? My thoughts and
>> options are
>> a) Resurrect #python-dev - changing notifications to different group.
>> b) Request for core-dev in pyslackers Slack
>> c) Request for core-dev in Discord.
>> Any other ideas are welcome.
>> If you think that chatting is not a good idea, and a mailing list, and
>> discourse(discuss.python.org) are the best option, please share your
>> thoughts as well.
>> If we feel a chat service will be a good idea for core-dev to
>> hangaround, then we can go to stage 2 of choosing the service by votes
>> in discourse (discuss.python.org).
>> Thank you,
>> Senthil
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