Apologies if this is a duplicate, mail delivery is screwing up real bad for me.

Grisha wrote ..
> > Subversion branch: tags/3-2-0-BETA1
> > mpversion.h: #define MPV_STRING "3.2.0-beta-1"
> There shouldn't be a number after BETA (I did this before, which is where
> you may have gotten the idea, but it was wrong).
> Tag it as 3-2-0-BETA. "BETA" simply denotes the quality of this release.
> If it gets approved, then this is how we will release it. If problems are
> found, then they will be fixed and depending on the extent of the fixes
> another tarball may be released by pushing the tag forward, or creating
> another tag 3-2-1-BETA, and so on, until the public BETA release.

Does this imply no more fixes for outstanding problems even though
the necessary patches have been posted up on JIRA. Eg,.


The patch for this one would have eliminated the last workaround
that I keep having to propagate in my code, even though the
minimum requirement for my code was going to be to have 3.2.

Guess I'll have to go back and put the workaround in again until
3.2.X. :-(


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