I thought I'd it a shot on minotaur as well.

Poking around a bit reveals that the default apache is indeed 1.3. It looks like there might be a viable apache2 hiding in /usr/local/apache2-install/www.apache.org/current.

eg ./configure --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache2-install/www.apache.org/current/apxs

Unfortunately, I'm getting the same errors as Grisha reported starting with:
mod_python.c:34: error: syntax error before '*' token


Nicolas Lehuen wrote:
I tried to build it under minotaur as well, but "./configure" only
finds a 1.3.33 version of Apache, so I can't go further. I can't help
much here since I'm not used to FreeBSD...


2005/9/9, Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Just tried compiling it on minotaur and I get the same error. minotaur is
FreeBSD 5.4, so it looks like we have a -1. I don't know how much time
I'll have this weekend, so I might or might not look into the cause of
this - but anyone else with access to a FreeBSD box, you're more than
welcome to dig in... :-)


On Fri, 9 Sep 2005, Jim Gallacher wrote:

Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

Don't know about versions, but I'd _really_ like to see a FreeBSD +1 at
this point :-) Graham - don't you have FreeBSD access somewhere?

If Graham can't help out maybe we could recruit a volunteer on the mod_python

On the versioning discussion - I don't like 4.0, I think 3.3 should be the
next version after 3.2.x. As far as even/odd stable/unstable - the Linux
kernel folks have abandoned it because it didn't work for them. The
fallacy is that you cannot know ahead of time what is stable and what is

My preference is to just follow versions incrementally, and making it
known which version is stable or not independently of the version number,
which is what the HTTPD folks have been doing.

I can't get worked up one way or another wrt to a version numbering scheme,
as long as we release *something*. ;)


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