It looks like Grisha has updated the html and pdf docs on the website so we are good to go.

I'd like to see a change in the way the website is handled so the maintenance burden no longer falls on Grisha. He has paid his dues after all. :)

Depending on Grisha's preference, I think we should either put the content in svn and have a cron job on do a nightly update, or start using the Apache infrastructure for the website. See for more info.


Deron Meranda wrote:
Will you also be putting the new 3.2.7 HTML/PDF docs on ?

It also might be useful if you provide a link to Appendix C along
with the announcement so people can easily find the "what's new"

Oh, and for the older docs on the website, is the "3.2" documentation
really release 3.2?  Because the first HTML page says 3.1.3.

And while you're updating the website, what about
The link to SVN is now there, but the JIRA link is not.  Being able
to at least browse the issue list can be important for users, even
if they are not on the python-dev list.
Deron Meranda

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