On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, Nick wrote:

Nicolas Lehuen wrote:
BTW, did we ever considered using SWIG to map the Apache API ? I know
it can be quite tricky to use, but it could be a real time saver.

That's essentially what mod_snake did, and why I liked it so much.  Though I
don't remember if it used swig or pyrex.

It used SWIG. I'm -1 on using SWIG, I like the hand-crafted quality of mod_python.

SWIG in my opinion is good when you want some kind of an API made available to you quickly, but in a static environment where can put some thought into functionality, usability, Pythonic-ness of every approach, write documentation with good examples and a meaningful test case SWIG does not buy much.

If someone just wanted to map the APR to Python - they can always use SWIG, but that's not what mod_python is about.


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