On 13/09/2006, at 8:45 AM, Jim Gallacher wrote:
Woot Woot Woot! We have our wiki!
Now comes the hard part... what the heck are we going to do with
it? :)
Ahhh, more work. :-(
Obviously the FAQ stuff can go over there, but I would really like to
see the
main LaTeX documentation converted and hosted there so it can be updated
more easily. Might have to ask Grisha's opinion on that, he might
want to see
something be able to still be downloadable with the source code
itself. In
practice though, how many actually use the LaTeX source to generate
own documentation, I would guess most go to the web site anyway. We
have to be careful though to make sure we annotate features to show over
time at which version they were introduced, since we will not have
snapshots of documentation for each major release.
In respect of my own wiki I was setting up, I would probably keep
going with
that for my own stuff and wouldn't be dumping it on the official site.