3 problems found on Win32:
1) _psp didn't build and I don't know how to build it
2) In the 'Testing PythonImport' test, the path separators in the two paths
being compared are different (no doubt due to Win32 backslash vs forward
slash issues)
the tests.py code does this:
directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
assert(sys.path.count(directory) == 1)
os.path.dirname(__file__) is
yet sys.path has this in it
so the assert fails since the first string can't be found in sys.path (count
== 0)
3) in test_interpreter_per_directory() the code does this:
rsp = self.vhost_get("test_interpreter_per_directory",
interpreter+'SUBDIR/' is
rsp is 'C:/WORK/MOD_PYTHON-3.3.0-DEV-20061109/TEST/HTDOCS/'
I don't understand the tests.py code but it looks like in the interpreter()
def interpreter(req):
if req.phase == "PythonFixupHandler":
if req.filename[-1] != '/' and os.path.isdir(req.filename):
return apache.DONE
return apache.OK
return apache.DONE
perhaps the req.filename
'C:/work/mod_python-3.3.0-dev-20061109/test/htdocs/subdir' is supposed to
pass the os.path.isdir() test...but it doesn't. There is no 'subdir' folder
under htdocs so on Win32, os.path.isdir() returns False. Maybe this is an
os dependency?