Here's some info on setting up buildbot
<>.  These instructions should be
cleaned up and put in the developers faq.  Right now, the only person
that can generate/assign buildbot names/passwords is Martin AFAIK.

We currently have 4 slaves setup:
  Linux: x86 and amd64 (gentoo 2.6, glibc 2.3)
  Solaris10 sparc
  OS X: G5 (not yet working, need to setup path to svn)

It would be nice to get HP-UX, AIX, and Windows in various flavors. 
Ideally, any common platform we support should be added.  This
includes O/S, version, H/W, and various configurations.  Not sure we
care about much more Linux variants.  Note the x86 is the same one I
use for generating doc and more detailed build results.  I'll put that
info into a separate mail.

We also are only running the slaves on the trunk.

Thanks to Martin for setting this up.



Request a buildbot name and password from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Please state the machine type, operating system, compiler, and branch.
  For example, "amd64 gentoo gcc trunk" or "powerpc64 aix43 xlC 2.4".

Download buildbot  (we currently use 0.7.1)
Install buildbot (and dependencies like Twisted-1.3 if necesary)
Create buildslave account [optional]

If adding a slave for the trunk:

   # example directory, choose whatever you like
   mkdir -p $DIR
   cd $DIR
   buildbot slave `pwd` "assigned-name" "assigned-password"

If adding a slave for the 2.4 branch:

   # example directory, choose whatever you like
   mkdir -p $DIR
   cd $DIR
   buildbot slave `pwd` "assigned-name" "assigned-password"

Edit info/admin and info/host appropriately.  You can use this command
for info/host if you'd like:

   uname -a > info/host

To start the buildbot:

   buildbot start `pwd`

To ensure buildbot is started on reboot:

   (crontab -l | egrep -v '^#' ; echo "@reboot /usr/bin/buildbot start
$DIR") | crontab -

Make sure the buildslave account is able run cron jobs.
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