On 1/10/06, Trent Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Fredrik Lundh wrote]
> > Can buildbot deal with custom test/validation scripts, and collect the 
> > output
> > somewhere ?
> Yes, it should be able to. However, it might change the part of the the
> master.cfg file that defines the build steps from being trivial
> to something a little less trivial.
> The standard GNUAutoconf class would have to be subclassed to add that
> extra step ("make check_for_missing_docs"?). That probably would be
> fairly straightforward. Neil and Martin would probably know better. I
> don't have access to the buildbot setup.

It looks like we could define a class similar to Test, such as:

class Catalog(ShellCommand):
    name = "catalog"
    warnOnFailure = 0 # this was 1, not sure which we want
    description = ["catalog"]
    descriptionDone = ["catalog"]
    command = ["/f cmd here", "and", "other", "flags"]

The factory is created like this:
        f = factory.GNUAutoconf(source, test=["make","testall"])

ISTM, we can just add this line:
       f.steps.append(s(Catalog, command=Catalog.command))

Does that make sense?  We would just need /f's script in SVN.


PS  If there was a method on ShellCommand, adding a step would be simpler, e.g.,

  def addStep(self, cls, **kwds):
    self.steps.append((cls, kwds))

then we could do: f.addStep(Catalog, command=Catalog.command)
which would simplify a bunch of code in process/factory.py since it is
called this way 10 times.  Didn't look elsewhere.
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