Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro wrote:

> > If a URI class implemented the same methods, it would be something of a
> > question whether uri.joinpath('/foo/bar', 'baz') would return '/foo/baz'
> > (and urlparse.urljoin would) or '/foo/bar/baz' (as os.path.join does).
> > I assume it would be be the latter, and urljoin would be a different
> > method, maybe something novel like "urljoin".
>   I honestly don't understand the usefulness of join('/foo/bar', 'baz')
> ever returning '/foo/baz' instead of '/foo/bar/baz'.  How would the
> former be of any use?

it's how URL:s are joined, as noted in the paragraph you replied to

(a "baz" link on the page "/foo/bar" refers to "/foo/baz", not "/foo/bar/baz")


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