[Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com>]
> I don't see much value in restricting the assignment target to names
> only, but if that's what it takes, it can be restricted, at least
> initially.

I believe this point was made most clearly before by Terry Reedy, but
it bears repeating :-)  This is from the PEP's motivation:

Naming the result of an expression is an important part of
programming, allowing a descriptive name to be used in place of a
longer expression, and permitting reuse.

As "head arguments" go, that's a good one!  But restricting assignment
expressions to

    identifier ":=" expression

satisfies it.  If what's of value is to name the result of an
expression, that single case handles that and _only_ that.  In a
sense, it's "the simplest thing that could possibly work", and that's
generally a good thing to aim for.

Python assignment _statements_ are way more complex than that.
Besides just giving names to expression results, they can also
implicitly invoke arbitrarily complex __setitem__ and __setattr__
methods on targets, rely on all sorts of side effects across chained
assignments, and support funky syntax for magically iterating over an
expression's iterable result.

While that can all be useful _in_ an assignment statement, the PEP's
motivation doesn't say a word about why any of _that_ would also be
useful buried inside an assignment expression.  There doesn't appear
to be a good "head argument" for why, besides "why not?".  That's not

I think it's no coincidence that every example of an _intended_ use is
of the simple

    identifier ":=" expression

form. There are no examples of fancier targets in the PEP, and - more
importantly - also none I saw in the hundreds of mailing-list messages
since this started.  Except for a few of mine, where I tried to
demonstrate why _trying_ fancier targets in examples derived from real
code made the original "loop and a half" code _worse_  And where other
people were illustrating how incomprehensibly code _could_ be written
(which isn't a real interest of mine).

Short course:  e.g., while a general assignment expression can
"unpack" an iterable expression result, giving names to its elements,
there's no clean way to _use_ the names bound by the unpacking _in_
the "if" or "while" tests.   That's fine for `for` loops (only the
_body_ of the loop needs the names), but in conditional constructs you
typically want to use the names _in_ the condition being tested.

    if ((a, b, c) := func_returning_triple()) and b > 0:
        process(a+b, b+c, a+c)

seems to be as good as it gets, but inherently relies on "a trick":
that a 3-tuple is always truthy, regardless of content.  OTOH,

    if ((a, b, c) := func_returning_triple())[1] > 0:

doesn't rely on a trick, but can't use the name `b` in the test(!).

    if [((a, b, c) := func_returning_triple()), b > 0][-1]::

manages to avoid "a trick", and to use the natural `b > 0`, but is ...
strained ;-)

So, to my eyes, this is a clear improvement over all of those:

    a, b, c = func_returning_triple()
    if b > 0:
        process(a+b, b+c, a+c)

Of course I could be cherry-picking a bad example there, but that's
not the intent:  I'm still waiting for anyone to post an example where
a "fancy" assignment-expression target would actually make code
clearer.  I haven't found one.

There are lots of examples when the target is a plain single name.

Why the stark difference?  I don't need deep theoretical reasons to
see that there _is_ one, or to conclude that - in the absence of
compelling use cases - complex assignment-expression targets are
probably a Poor Idea.
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