Steven D'Aprano <>:
> So not all Python 3 migration stories turn into horror stories :-)

Peter Donis and wrote "Practical Python porting for systems programmers":

We developed and applied these techniques on src (a lightweight version-control
system for single-contributor projects), reposurgeon (a tool for surgery
on version-control repositories, 14KLOC), doclifter (man-page to XML-DocBook
markup lifter, 8KLOC), the Python components of GPSD (9KLOC) and the Python
components of NTPSec (secure network time service, 16KLOC).

All this code runs under either 2 nor 3 without requiring six or any other
shim library.  Applying the techniques is not particularly difficult. There
were no horror stories at any point.

I expect to keep writing Python in this polyglot idiom until 2 is obsolete
enough to fall off the radar.
                <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

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