On 2/6/20 4:23 PM, Serhiy Storchaka wrote:
> It would create an exception of two rules:
> 1. Operators on subclasses of builtin classes do not depend on
> overridden methods of arguments (except the corresponding dunder
> method). `list.__add__` and `set.__or__` do not call copy() and
> extend()/update(). You should override the corresponding dunder method
> to change the behavior of the operator.
> 2. Operators do not depend on non-dunder methods.
> This looks to me as a direct violation of the principle "Special cases
> aren't special enough to break the rules."
I may not fully understand the implications of #1, but I would think you
could implement the semantics Brandt wants using only dunder methods and
copy.copy (which itself dispatches to one of a number of dunder methods
- __copy__, __reduce__, __setstate__, depending on which ones are
defined - we could presumably avoid the `copy` import by partially
porting that logic into `__or__`):

def __or__(self, other):
    new_value = copy.copy(self)
    for key in other.__keys__():
        new_value.__setitem__(key, other.__getitem__(key))
    return new_value

Obviously the actual implementation would be in C and handle more edge
cases and whatnot, but I think the desired semantics can all be achieved
using only magic methods on the objects themselves (though we'd probably
want to bypass all that stuff in favor of a "fast path" in the case of
`dict` | `dict`).


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