On Fri, Jul 3, 2020, 12:40 Eric Snow <ericsnowcurren...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Also,  keep in mind that PEPs are a tool for the decision maker (i.e.
> BDFL delegate).  Effectively, everything else is convention.  The process
> usually involves community feedback, but has never been community-driven.
> All this has become more painful for volunteers as the Python community has
> grown.
> -eric

To further elaborate on that, a PEP isn't legislation to be approved by the
community.  Rather, it is meant to capture the proposal and discussion
sufficiently that the BDFL/delegate can make a good decision.  Ultimately
there isn't much more to the process than that, beyond convention.  The
BDFL-delegate is trusted to do the right thing and the steering council is
there as a backstop.

It's up to the decision maker to reach a conclusion and it makes sense that
they especially consider community impact.  However, there is no
requirement of community approval.  This is not new.  Over the years quite
a few decisions by Guido (as BDFL) sparked controversy yet in hindsight
Python is better for each of those decisions.  (See PEP 20.)

The main difference in recent years is the growth of the Python community,
which is a happy problem even if a complex one. :)  There has been a huge
influx of folks without context on Python's governance but with contrary
expectations and loud voices.  On the downside, growth has greatly
increased communications traffic and signal-to-noise, as well as somewhat
shifting tone in the wrong direction.  Unfortunately all this contributed
to us losing our BDFL. :(  Thankfully we have the steering council as a

Regardless, Python is not run as a democracy nor by a representative body.
Instead, this is a group of trusted volunteers that are trying their best
to keep Python going and make it better.  The sacrifices they make reflect
how much they care about the language and the community, especially as
dissenting voices increase in volume and vitriol.  That negativity has a
real impact.


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