On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 4:04 PM Greg Ewing <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz>

> A concern I have about this is what effect it will have on the
> complexity of CPython's implementation.
> CPython is currently very simple and straightforward. Some parts
> are not quite as simple as they used to be, but on the whole it's
> fairly easy to understand, and I consider this to be one of its
> strengths.
> I worry that adding four layers of clever speedup tricks will
> completely destroy this simplicity, leaving us with something
> that can no longer be maintained or contributed to by
> ordinary mortals.

I have never considered ceval.c to be simple and straightforward.  Nor our
parser(s).  Or our optimizers.  Or the regular expression implementation.
Or the subprocess internals.  (we may differ on lists of what isn't simple
and straightforward, but i guarantee you we've all got something in mind)

Making this not a major concern for me.

We'd decide if there is something we find to be dark magic that seems
challenging to maintain during the review phases and decide what if
anything needs to be done about that to ameliorate such issues.


> --
> Greg
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