On Thu, Dec 16, 2021 at 2:48 AM Petr Viktorin <encu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But does the sign bit need to stay intact, and do we actually need to
> rely on the immortal bit to always be set for immortal objects?
> If the refcount rolls over to zero, an immortal object's dealloc could
> bump it back and give itself another few minutes.
> Allowing such rollover would mean having to deal with negative
> refcounts, but that might be acceptable.

FWIW, my original attempt at immortal objects (quite a while ago) used
the sign bit as the marker (negative refcount meant immortal).
However, this broke GC and Py_DECREF() and getting those to work right
was a pain.  It also made a few things harder to debug because a
negative refcount no longer necessarily indicated something had gone
wrong.  In the end I switched to a really high bit as the marker and
it was all much simpler.

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