I dropped the Cc: of Python-3000, because I don't think this discussion falls under that mailing list's charter. As I understand it, the Python-3000 mailing list is for discussing the details of implementing Python 3000. "Stuff I'd like to see in Python 3000" doesn't go there, it goes to "Python-Ideas".

One part of your message caught my eye:
Passing an absolute foreign path is an error, because there's no sane way to interpret 
"C:\\" on Posix or "/" on Windows.
There is in fact a /very/ sane way to interpret "/" on Windows: the root directory of the "current" drive. It's equivalent to "\". I guess it isn't widely known, but nearly all Windows APIs are agnostic about whether you use "\" or "/" as a directory separator. (The only exceptions I recall are the common dialog open / save file functions.) I'm a Windows programmer, and I frequently use "/".

The fact that you don't understand this about how Windows paths work makes me nervous about your path library. For instance, did you correctly support local paths on explicit drives (e.g. "d:../foo")?

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