Nick Coghlan schrieb:
> Georg Brandl wrote:
>> Steve Holden schrieb:
>>> Paul Moore wrote:
>>>> On 04/03/2008, Nick Coghlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Do we need a new appendix to the tutorial which goes into detail about
>>>>> the CPython interpreter's command line options, environment variables
>>>>> and details on what can be executed?
>>>> There is a Python man page, which covers the command line usage.
>>>> However, it's separate from the documentation, and it isn't bundled
>>>> with the Windows installers - both of which are a real pain (for me,
>>>> at least).
>>>> I'd suggest taking the man page, adding the information about
>>>> executing zip files and directories, and putting the whole lot into
>>>> the formal documentation.
>> Look no further:
> Thanks Georg, that looks like exactly the right place - I'll try to get 
> that updated before the next alpha.

Great! Feel free to add anything you think would make it a more complete

>>> I've always found it rather counter-intuitive that you have to go to the 
>>> Library Reference manual to find information about Python's built-in 
>>> types, for example. I though the whole point of libraries was that they 
>>> *aren't* built in, and represent baggage that should only be carried on 
>>> necessary trips.
>> You speak my mind. For ages I've wanted to put the builtins together with
>> the language reference into a new document called "Python Core Language".
>> I've just never had the time to draft a serious proposal.
> I borrowed the keys to Guido's time machine:
> It hasn't been updated for a lot of the 2.6/3.0 features as yet, but it 
> may be a decent basis for what you're considering here.
> (and all credit to this thread for motivating me to actually get those 
> files cleaned up and into the sandbox - I've been thinking about doing 
> it for ages, but never got around to it).

Thanks, I'll certainly look at them!


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