Michael Foord wrote:
Larry Hastings wrote:

I've written a patch for Python 3.1 that changes os.path so it handles UNC paths on Windows:


+1 for the feature. I have to deal with Windows networks from time to time and this would be useful.

+1 from me, too. I haven't looked at the implementation, but for sure the feature would be welcome.

In the interests of full disclosure: I submitted a patch providing this
exact behavior just over ten years ago.  GvR accepted it into Python
1.5.2b2 (marked "*EXPERIMENTAL*") and removed it from 1.5.2c1.

In the intervening decade, two highly relevant things have happened:
* Python no longer uses ntpath for os.path on Cygwin.  Instead it uses
* Cygwin removed the "//a/foo" drive letter hack.  In fact, I believe it
 now support UNC paths.
Therefore this patch will have no effect on Cygwin users.

Yes, cygwin supports UNC paths with //host/share, and they use /cygdrive/a, etc., to refer to physical drives. It's been that way for as long as I recall, at least 7 years.
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