On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 12:39 PM, "Martin v. Löwis" <mar...@v.loewis.de> wrote:
>> Given your explanation of what the new 'surrogates' handler does (pass
>> rather than reject erroneous surrogates), I think 'surrogates_pass' is
>> fine.  Thus, I considoer that and 'surrogates_excape' the best proposal
>> the best so far and suggest that you make this pair the current status
>> quo to be argued against and improved ... or not.
> That's exactly what I want to avoid: more bike-shedding. If this is now
> changed, it cannot be possibly be argued against and improved - it would
> be final, end of discussion (please!!!).
> So I'm happy to make it "surrogatepass" and "surrogateescape" as
> proposed by Walter. I'm sure you didn't really mean the spelling of
> "excape" to be taken literally - whether or not you meant the plural
> and the underscore literally, I cannot tell. Stephen Turnbull approved
> singular, so that's good enough for me.

singular is good.

+1 on these names.
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