On Wed, 15 Jul 2009 at 16:14, Paul Moore wrote:
Bluntly, as Python stands, import and sys.path do not offer any core
support for multiple versions. Custom solutions can be built on top of
that - that's what setuptools does. But they are precisely that -
custom solutions, and should be supported as such, outside the core
(and stdlib).

If standard Python support for multi-version imports is required (it's
not by me, but I accept that some people want it), then it should be
designed in thoughout:

Isn't this problem directly analogous to the '.so version' (*) problem?
Can we learn anything from the solution to that problem?  Does not the
fact that a (standard) solution to that problem was required indicate
that a similar solution needs to be provided by core Python?  (And yes,
it's out of scope for PEP 376).


(*) or, for our Windows users, DLL Hell and the Side By Side Component
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