On Oct 22, 2009, at 2:39 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 11:18, sstein...@gmail.com <sstein...@gmail.com > wrote:

On Oct 22, 2009, at 1:58 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

Well __doc__ isn't a normal attribute -- it doesn't follow inheritance rules.

Maybe we could add a ticket to flag this in the docs.
Sure, go for it.

Filed: http://bugs.python.org/issue7186

Is __doc__ not normal due to its general underscorishness, or is it not normal because it isn't?

I honestly don't follow that sentence.

It means, is it special because it's a "special" i.e. __X__ type attribute or because of something special about __doc__ itself, independent of it being a "special attribute".

But __doc__ is special because of its use; documenting how to use of an object. In this case when you call something like help() on an instance of an object it skips the instance's value for __doc__ and goes straight to the defining class and stops there as you don't care how a subclass says to use itself as that is not what you are working with.

Any others that deserve special notice, while we're at it?

Don't know.

Ok, issue recorded.



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