Collin Winter wrote:
> I added startup benchmarks for Mercurial and Bazaar yesterday
> ( so we
> can use them as more macro-ish benchmarks, rather than merely starting
> the CPython binary over and over again. If you have ideas for better
> Mercurial/Bazaar startup scenarios, I'd love to hear them. The new
> hg_startup and bzr_startup benchmarks should give us some more data
> points for measuring improvements in startup time.
> One idea we had for improving startup time for apps like Mercurial was
> to allow the creation of hermetic Python "binaries", with all
> necessary modules preloaded. This would be something like Smalltalk
> images. We haven't yet really fleshed out this idea, though.

In Python you can do the same with the utility. See

for an old project where we basically put the Python
interpreter and stdlib into a single executable.

We've recently revisited that project and created something
we call "pyrun". It fits Python 2.5 into a single executable
and a set of shared modules (which for various reasons cannot
be linked statically)... 12MB in total.

If you load lots of modules from the stdlib this does provide
a significant improvement over standard Python.

Back to the PEP's proposal:

Looking at the data you currently have, the negative results
currently don't really look good in the light of the small
performance improvements.

Wouldn't it be possible to have the compiler approach work
in three phases in order to reduce the memory footprint and
startup time hit, ie.

 1. run an instrumented Python interpreter to collect all
    the needed compiler information; write this information into
    a .pys file (Python stats)

 2. create compiled versions of the code for various often
    used code paths and type combinations by reading the
    .pys file and generating an .so file as regular
    Python extension module

 3. run an uninstrumented Python interpreter and let it
    use the .so files instead of the .py ones

In production, you'd then only use step 3 and avoid the
overhead of steps 1 and 2.

Moreover, the .so file approach
would only load the code for code paths and type combinations
actually used in a particular run of the Python code into
memory and allow multiple Python processes to share it.

As side effect, you'd probably also avoid the need to have
C++ code in the production Python runtime - that is unless
LLVM requires some kind of runtime support which is written
in C++.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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