2010/1/30 Scott Dial

> Cesare, just FYI, your Hg repository has lost the execute bits on some
> files (namely "./configure" and "./Parser/asdl_c.py"), so it does not
> quite build out-of-the-box.

That's probably because I worked on Windows. I have to address this issue.

> I took the liberty of cloning your repo into my laptop's VirtualBox
> instance of Ubuntu. I ran the default performance tests from the U-S
> repo, with VirtualBox at highest priority. As a sanity check, I ran it
> against the U-S trunk. I think the numbers speak for themselves.
>  --
>  Scott Dial

I see. I don't know why you got those numbers. Until now, what I saw are
better performances on average with wpython.

In a previous mail, Collin stated that when they implemented wordcode con
U-S they got benefits from the new opcode structure.

May be more tests on different hardware / platforms will help.

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