On 30/07/2010 16:28, Éric Araujo wrote:
Le 30/07/2010 17:04, Michael Foord a écrit :
There is no type checking or interface requirements in my plugin
proposal for unittest. It is essentially an event based system.
Event-based sounds good. unittest2 does have an interface IMO:
configuration loading, plugin registration/activation, signal names.

It has an API, but the plugins are not interface based (so interface requirements don't need to be part of the plugin system).

As you said, the common ground may be little more than an API to
discover or register plugins, activate and configure them, and the
design decision of using events and callbacks, but even this small
subset is very much worth a PEP.

PEP 376 is *very* promising for this part - well at least if the PLUGINS stuff becomes part of PEP 376, it doesn't seem to be mentioned at all at the moment. Based on what you and tarek are saying it *sounds* good though... (Metadata for packages to declare that they provide plugins for another package and an API for frameworks to discover installed plugins.)



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