On Oct 01, 2010, at 01:50 AM, Martin v. Löwis wrote:

>Amaury just filed issue #10000 yesterday; as counting started
>with 1000, we are now into 9000 roundup issues.
>I have become quite fond of roundup over the years, and would
>like to thank Ka-Ping Yee, Richard Jones, and Erik Forsberg
>for getting us here.
>There are many contributions to this infrastructure, both
>from individuals and software projects, but I'd like to single
>out two of them which have I also appreciate very much:
>the folks at Upfront Hosting have helped a lot to keep the system
>running, and the PostgreSQL database has really validated it's
>own claim of being the world's most advanced open source

Agreed!  Roundup has been a joy to use.  Martin is to be profusely thanked too
for all of his ongoing work on our python.org resources.


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