Antoine Pitrou, 13.04.2011 02:07:
On Tue, 12 Apr 2011 19:50:34 -0400
Tres Seaver wrote:
Trying to accelerate existing code which doesn't have the coverage is
insane:  how can you know that the accelerator doesn't subtly change the
semantics without tests?

Well, why do you think tests guarantee that the semantics are the same?
Tests are not a magic bullet. "Covering" a code path doesn't ensure
that every possible behaviour is accounted for.

This is particularly true when it comes to input types. There are different protocols out there that people use in their code, iteration vs. item access being only the most famous ones, inheritance vs. wrapping being another issue. Duck-typed Python code may work with a lot more input types than C code, even with 100% test coverage. This has been partly mentioned in the PEP, but not as clearly in the context of test coverage. Tests can only catch issues with the input they use themselves, not with all input the code will encounter in the wild.

However, I think we are really discussing a theoretical issue here. All the PEP is trying to achieve is to raise the bar for C code in the stdlib, for exactly the reason that it can easily introduce subtle semantic differences in comparison to generic Python code.

I think it would help to point out in the PEP that code that fails to touch the theoretical 100% test coverage bar is not automatically excluded from integration, but needs solid reasoning, review and testing in the wild in order to be considered an equivalent alternative implementation. But then again, this should actually be required anyway, even for code with an exceedingly high test coverage.


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