Mark Shannon wrote:
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Mark Shannon wrote:
Related to the discussion on "Not a Number" can I point out a few things that have not be explicitly addressed so far.

The IEEE standard is about hardware and bit patterns, rather than types and values so may not be entirely appropriate for high-level language
like Python.

I would argue that the implementation of NANs is irrelevant. If NANs are useful in hardware floats -- and I think they are -- then they're just as equally useful as objects, or as strings in languages like REXX or Hypertalk where all data is stored as strings, or as quantum wave functions in some future quantum computer.

Indeed, so its OK if type(NaN) != type(0.0) ?

Sure. But that just adds complexity without actually resolving anything.

Fundamentally, the problem is that some containers bypass equality tests for identity tests. There may be good reasons for that shortcut, but it leads to problems with *any* object that does not define equality to be reflexive, not just NANs.
Just because you can do that, doesn't mean you should.
Equality should be reflexive, without that fundamental assumption many non-numeric algorithms fall apart.

So what? If I have a need for non-reflexivity in my application, why should I care that some other algorithm, which I'm not using, will fail?

Python supports non-reflexivity. If I take advantage of that feature, I can't guarantee that *other objects* will be smart enough to understand this. This is no different from any other property of my objects.

The default comparisons will then work as expected for collections.
(No doubt, making NaN a new class will cause a whole new set of problems)

As pointed out by Meyer:
NaN == NaN is False
is no more logical than
NaN != NaN is False

I don't agree with this argument. I think Meyer is completely mistaken there. The question of NAN equality is that of a vacuous truth, quite similar to the Present King of France:
The problem with this argument is the present King of France does not exist, whereas NaN (as a Python object) does exist.

NANs (as Python objects) exist in the same way as the present King of France exists as words. It's an implementation detail: we can't talk about the non-existent present King of France without using words, and we can't do calculations on non-existent/indeterminate values in Python without objects.

Words can represent things that don't exist, and so can bit-patterns or objects or any other symbol. We must be careful to avoid mistaking the symbol (the NAN bit-pattern or object) for the thing (the result of whatever calculation generated that NAN). The idea of equality we care about is equality of what the symbol represents, not the symbol itself.

The meaning of "spam and eggs" should not differ according to the typeface we write the words in. Likewise the number 42 should not differ according to how the int object is laid out, or whether the bit-pattern is little-endian or big-endian. What matters is the "thing" itself, 42, not the symbol: it will still be 42 even if we decided to write it in Roman numerals or base 13.

Likewise, what matters is the non-thingness of NANs, not the fact that the symbol for them has an existence as an object or a bit-pattern.

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