Glenn Linderman <v+python <at>> writes:

>     Since I don't yet have associations set up that point at the
>     launcher, I thought I'd play with saying "py" in front of the
>     command.

Why don't you have any associations pointing to the launcher? Did you delete
them? If you uninstall and install the launcher, are they present?

>     So I have a command using Python 3 syntax in a directory on
>     my PATH.  It works fine, since Python 3.2.1 is in Python.file. 
> does not have a #! line.
>     I can successfully execute:
>     However, the following fails:  py
>     It fails, because is not found.  Instead, I have to specify:
>     py d:\path\to\
>     This is annoying, py should walk the PATH for unqualified files (the
>     Windows PATH implicitly includes the current directory, of course,

It's not py's job to walk the path: the shell does that when you just type
"foo". It locates, and then invokes py because of file association - py
then checks the file for a shebang to decide which Python to dispatch it to.

>     OK, with that mystery solved, and using Notepad running as
>     administrator to actually, successfully edit the file, it still runs
>     the wrong version of Python.  Here is the content of the file, what

I'm afraid I can't reproduce this. When I invoke a script with the default
py.ini, py runs it with Python 2. When I add a [defaults]python=3 entry, py 
correctly runs it with Python 3.

>     is wrong?  And why is the spacing around the = in the [commands]
>     section so inconsistent?

That's just test data, not a real "production" py.ini. I was testing out
something, which is why the spaces around = are every which way, and I never got
around to changing it. More importantly, those customised commands, while
perhaps useful for testing, are useless in everyday Python usage: perhaps -O,
-Werror, -E, -S etc. might be more useful. I'll take suggestions as to what
might be useful customised commands to ship as a default.


Vinay Sajip

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