On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 2:53 PM, Victor Stinner
<victor.stin...@haypocalc.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Three weeks ago, I posted a draft on my PEP on this mailing list. I tried to
> include all remarks you made, and the PEP is now online:
>   http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0400/
> It's now unclear to me if the PEP will be accepted or rejected. I don't know
> what to do to move forward. I asked Guido in private, but I didn't get any
> answer.
> Victor

Sorry Victor, I somehow didn't see that message even though I received
it (I probably thought it was a continuation of the python-dev thread
which I've been ignoring).

Unfortunately I don't have time to go back and read the whole thread.
I think I haven't used codecs.StreamReader/Writer myself, and I don't
think I've seen much use of them either (which doesn't mean there
isn't). My gut feeling is that yes, they should eventually go away,
but no, there's no particular hurry, and no, I don't think you should
change codecs.open() to call io.open().

I think the best thing is to campaign (e.g. in docs) for people to
stop using codecs.open/StreamReader/Writer and start deprecating them
formally once we feel that most users have switched. It's possible
that that could happen before 3.3 is released, but I'm kind of
doubtful about that myself.

Sorry again for missing your private emails!

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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