On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 8:17 AM, Michael Foord
<fuzzy...@voidspace.org.uk> wrote:
> More specifically "six" [1] is the name of Benjamin Peterson's support
> package to help write code that works on both 2 and 3. So the idea is that
> the conversion isn't just a straight syntax conversion - but that it [could]
> generate code using this library.

The thing is, the code you want to generate varies depending on
whether you want to target 2.6+, or include 2.5 and earlier.

For 2.6+, you can just use the print_function and unicode_literal
__future__ imports to minimise overhead.

But if 2.5 and earlier is in the mix, you need to lean more heavily on
six (for u(), b() and print_())

String translation is also an open question. For some codebases, you
want both u"" and "" to translate to a Unicode "" (either in Py3k or
via the future import), but if a code base deals with WSGI-style
native strings (by means of u"" for text, "" for native, b"" for
binary), then the more appropriate translation is to use the future
import and map them to "", str("") and b"" respectively.

So, rather than an overall "2to6", it may be better to focus on
*specific* fixers that can be tweaked or added to help with:

2.4+ -> 2.4+, 3.2+
2.4+ -> 2.6+, 3.2+
2.6+ -> 2.6+, 3.2+
2.6+, 3.2+ -> 3.2+

(with handling of string literals being the most significant, and
likely most complicated)


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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