Terry Reedy wrote:
On 2/3/2012 6:18 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Now we're talking about having to add __preview__ into that mix too?

As I understand it, Guido nixed that idea. (Or did I imagine that?)

No, you are right, discussion should cease. It is already marked 'rejected' and listed under Abandoned, Withdrawn, and Rejected PEPs.

Preview modules will be just added to the std lib as normal, and you
have to read the docs to find out they're preview.

What's New should say so too.

A thought comes to mind...

It strikes me that it would be helpful sometimes to programmatically recognise "preview" modules in the std lib. Could we have a recommendation in PEP 8 that such modules should have a global variable called PREVIEW, and non-preview modules should not, so that the recommended way of telling them apart is with hasattr(module, "PREVIEW")?

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