Am 17.08.2012 21:27, schrieb Guido van Rossum:
> I wonder if it wouldn't make sense to change urlencode() to generate
> URLs that don't depend on the hash order, for all versions of Python
> that support PYTHONHASHSEED? It seems a one-line fix:
>         query = query.items()
> with this:
>         query = sorted(query.items())
> This would not prevent breakage of unit tests, but it would make a
> much simpler fix possible: simply sort the parameters in the URL.

I vote -0. The issue can also be addressed with a small and simple
helper function that wraps urlparse and compares the query parameter. Or
you cann urlencode() with `sorted(qs.items)` instead of `qs` in the

The order of query string parameter is actually important for some
applications, for example Zope, colander+deform and other form
frameworks use the parameter order to group parameters.

Therefore I propose that the query string is only sorted when the query
is exactly a dict and not some subclass or class that has an items() method.

    if type(query) is dict:
        query = sorted(query.items())
        query = query.items()


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