On 12.12.12 02:43, Guido van Rossum wrote:
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 5:11 PM, Robert Brewer<fuman...@aminus.org>  wrote:
Guido van Rossum wrote:
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 4:11 PM
To: Antoine Pitrou
Subject: Re: [Python-Dev] Draft PEP for time zone support.

On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 8:07 AM, Antoine Pitrou<solip...@pitrou.net>
Le Tue, 11 Dec 2012 16:23:37 +0100,
Lennart Regebro<rege...@gmail.com>  a écrit :
Changes in the ``datetime``-module

A new ``is_dst`` parameter is added to several of the `tzinfo`
methods to handle time ambiguity during DST changeovers.

* ``tzinfo.utcoffset(self, dt, is_dst=True)``

* ``tzinfo.dst(self, dt, is_dst=True)``

* ``tzinfo.tzname(self, dt, is_dst=True)``

The ``is_dst`` parameter can be ``True`` (default), ``False``, or

``True`` will specify that the given datetime should be interpreted
as happening during daylight savings time, ie that the time
is before the change from DST.
Why is it True by default? Do we have statistics showing that Python
gets more use in summer?
My question exactly.
"Summer" in the USA, at least, is 238 days in 2012, while "Winter" into 2013 is 
only 126 days:

import datetime
datetime.date(2012, 11, 4) - datetime.date(2012, 3, 11)
datetime.date(2013, 3, 10) - datetime.date(2012, 11, 4)
Very funny, but that can't be the real reason. *Most* datetime values
aren't ambiguous, so in those cases the parameter should be ignored,
right? There's only one hour per year where you need to specify it
(two, if we want to artificially assign a meaning to values falling
the impossible hour). And during those times it's equally likely that
you meant either of the possibilities. I think the meaning of the
parameter must be clarified, perhaps as follows:

- ignored except during the ambiguous hour and during the impossible hour
- during the ambiguous or impossible hour:
   - if True, prefer/pretend DST
   - if False, prefer/pretend non-DST
   - if None, raise an error

Here I'd prefer the default to be None if I had to do it over again,
but given that the current behavior is one of the first two (which
one?) we probably can't do that. Still, it's slightly confusing that
passing None is not the same as omitting the parameter altogether --
there aren't many APIs that explicitly support passing None but don't
use it as the default (though there probably are some precedents).
Maybe requesting an error should be done through some other special
value, and None should be the same as omitted and the same as the old
behavior? But where would the special value come from? It should be
made as easy as possible to "do the right thing" (i.e. raise an
error). Or maybe have a separate Boolean flag to request an error?

I see an issue here that makes me a little uncomfortable:
Having a default that makes code work all year but raises an error during
the "impossible hour" could be problematic in critical code.
Can we make this more explicit by forcing the users to decide?

I like the idea of the extra boolean flag here, because it will be explicitly
visible that this code intentionally creates an exception.
Or even not a flag, but the exception to be raised, or a callable to
handle this case?

Sloppy coding can be dangerous. So maybe the warning module could be
helpful as well: If None is passed and no explicit flag/exception/callable
given, bother the user with a warning message ;-)

cheers - chris

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