On 22.01.2014 15:12, Jesse Noller wrote:
> And no one reads it. I can't count the number of times I've gotten called 
> into a managers office when they find out python doesn't do cert validation 
> by default (and in 2, it's not been trivial) and gotten told to fix it, or we 
> move off of python.
> Donald is perfectly right: every time you point out to users that this is the 
> default behavior the response is almost universally "you can't be serious, is 
> this a joke?"

Yes, you are right. :(

About two months ago (maybe three) I proposed to deprecated implicit SSL
context, unverified certs and unverified hostnames all together. But I
was voted down. Donald made a similar attempt half an year ago, too.

Can't we just mark these things as pending deprecated in Python 3.4 so
people start fixing their code *now*?

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