On Apr 17, 2014, at 2:23 PM, Jurko Gospodnetić <jurko.gospodne...@pke.hr> wrote:

>  Hi.
> On 17.4.2014. 19:57, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 10:33 AM, Jurko Gospodnetić
>> <jurko.gospodne...@pke.hr <mailto:jurko.gospodne...@pke.hr>> wrote:
>>       I would really love to have better startup times in production,
>> What's your use case? I understand why startup time is important for Hg,
>> but I'd like to understand what other situations occur frequently enough
>> to worry about it.
>  The first one that pops to mind is scripting when automating different 
> system administration tasks.
>  When you automate something that ends up calling lots of different Python 
> scripts - the startup times add up. Yes, I know you can update the system so 
> that the scripts get called inside a single Python process, but that often 
> requires major refactoring, e.g.:
>  - you have to refactor those scripts to be importable while they were 
> originally prepared to be used as 'stand-alone executables'
>  - you either have to use Python as your external automation tool or you need 
> to implement some sort of a Python based tool runner daemon process
>  Another example is the speed at which some automated test suits run that 
> need to call external Python scripts. Such suites often call thousands of 
> such scripts so their startup times add up to such numbers that Python gets a 
> bad rep. And shaving off unnecessarily wasted seconds or minutes in a test 
> suite is always good, as it speeds up the whole develop/test cycle. :-)

pip invokes a ton of pythons in a subprocess in it’s test suite, and the 
“install from sdist” stuff tends to invoke 1-3 python’s per thing you install 
too. So any speed up there would make installing stuff faster.

>  I've been in situations where I got a request to 'convert those Python 
> scripts to batch files so they would run faster'. :-) And, while I really 
> love Python as a development language, simple scripts implemented in it often 
> do make the system feel kind of sluggish. :-(
>  And with that in mind, the effect of systems becoming 'even more sluggish' 
> when upgrading them to use the new 'Python 3' version, even if that slowdown 
> is not all startup related, often comes as an additional slap in the face. :-(
>  Best regards,
>    Jurko Gospodnetić
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