On 6/7/2014 7:50 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
Le 07/06/2014 09:25, R. David Murray a écrit :
On Fri, 06 Jun 2014 19:50:57 +0100, Chris Withers <ch...@simplistix.co.uk> wrote:
I guess I could duck-type it based on the _fields attribute but that
feels implicit and fragile.

What do you guys suggest?

I seem to remember a previous discussion that concluded that duck typing
based on _fields was the way to go.  (It's a public API, despite the _,
due to name-tuple's attribute namespacing issues.)

There could be many third-party classes with a _fields member, so that sounds rather fragile. There doesn't seem to be any technical reason barring the addition of a common base class for namedtuples.



A common base class sounds like a good idea, to me, at a minimum, to help identify all the namedtuple derivatives.

On 6/7/2014 7:46 AM, Nick Coghlan wrote:
On 7 June 2014 04:50, Chris Withers <ch...@simplistix.co.uk> wrote:
Curious as to what lead to that implementation approach? What does it buy
that couldn't have been obtained by a mixin providing the functionality?
In principle, you could get the equivalent of collections.namedtuple
through dynamically constructed classes. In practice, that's actually
easier said than done, so the fact the current implementation works
fine for almost all purposes acts as a powerful disincentive to
rewriting it. The current implementation is also *really* easy to
understand, while writing out the dynamic type creation explicitly
would likely require much deeper knowledge of the type machinery to
I wonder if the dynamically constructed classes approach could lead to the same space and time efficiencies... seems like I recall there being a discussion of efficiency, I think primarily space efficiency, as a justification for the present implementation. namedtuple predates of the improvements in metaclasses, also, which may be a justification for the present implementation.

I bumped into namedtuple when I first started coding in Python, I was looking for _some way_, _any way_ to achieve an unmutable class with named members, and came across Raymond's recipe, which others have linked to... and learned, at the time, that he was putting it into Python stdlib. I found it far from "*really* easy to understand", although at that point in my Python knowledge, I highly doubt a metaclass implementation would have been easier to understand... but learning metaclasses earlier than I did might have been good for my general understanding of Python, and more useful in the toolbox than an implementation like namedtuple. I did, however, find and suggest a fix for a bug in the namedtuple implementation that Raymond was rather surprised that he had missed, although I would have to pick through the email archives to remember now what it was, or any other details about it... but it was in time to get fixed before the first release of Python that included namedtuple, happily.

I wouldn't be opposed to someone rewriting namedtuple using metaclasses, to compare the implementations from an understandability and from an efficiency standpoint... but I don't think my metaclass skills are presently sufficient to make the attempt myself.

I also seem to recall that somewhere in the (lengthy) Enum discussions, that Enum uses a technique similar to namedtuple, again for an efficiency reason, even though it also uses metaclasses in its implementation.

I wonder if, if the reasons were well understood by someone that understand Python internals far better than I do, if they point out some capability that is missing from metaclasses that lead to these decisions to use string parsing and manipulation as a basis for implementing classes with metaclass-like behaviors, yet not use the metaclass feature set to achieve those behaviors.

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