On Jun 23, 2014, at 5:22 PM, Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org> wrote:

> On Jun 23, 2014, at 05:15 PM, Donald Stufft wrote:
>> Normally when I see someone suggest that switching compilers
>> in 2.7.x is likely to be less work than releasing a 2.8 It normally
>> appears to me they haven’t looked at the impact on the packaging
>> tooling.
> Just to be clear, releasing a Python 2.8 has enormous impact outside of just
> the amount of work to do it.  It's an exceedingly bad idea.

Can you clarify?

Also FWIW I’m not really married to the 2.8 thing, it’s mostly that, on 
Windows, the X.Y release
prior to the ABI thing in 3.x _was_ the ABI so all the tooling builds on that. 
So you need to

1) Stick with the old Compiler
2) Release 2.8
3) Do all the work to fix all the tooling to cope with the fact that X.Y isn’t 
the ABI on 2.x anymore

I don’t think a reasonable option is:

4) Just switch compilers and leave it on someone else’s doorsteps to fix the 
entire packaging
    tool chain to cope.

Donald Stufft
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