Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:07:53 -0400
> Tres Seaver <> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 10/29/2014 10:31 AM, R. David Murray wrote:
>> > If you are writing code targeted for Windows, I think you are very 
>> > likely to have an MSDN subscription of some sort if your package 
>> > includes C code.  I'm sure it's not 100%, though.
>> My experience with distributing distributions-with-extensions 
>> indicates that the vast majority of Windows developers who are 
>> "downstream" users for those distributions *cannot* build them from 
>> source:  if there is no MSI / bdist_win (maybe now wheel), they won't use 
>> the project.
>> (Note that "having an MSDN subscription" is not the same as "knowing 
>> how to configure which compiler such that it can bulid extensions 
>> against an installed Python binary").
> I don't think you have to configure anything. Just install the right Visual 
> Studio version and it's done.

The tricky part here is the *right* Visual Studio version. As many have noted, 
there were bugs/missing components in some of the older Express editions (like 
the 64-bit compiler integration), and even the compiler pack we released 
recently doesn't actually help building Python itself, though it's good for 
extensions. In general, VS 2008 Professional and VS 2010 Professional are 
easiest to set up if you can get them, the C++ Express editions are fairly easy 
to set up, and the Windows SDK is difficult but possible (and won't currently 
build CPython either, as the build depends on VS - I'm also fixing this for 

My ideal target (Utopia refined to be achievable) is for python-dev to handle 
the Python binaries themselves (already done) and to make them easy to bundle 
with applications/etc (I'm working on this for 3.5), and for PyPI to include 
pre-built wheels for Windows where necessary.

Note that I don't require package developers to build their own wheels, though 
I think that they are generally the right people to be doing it. It would be 
nice to create a culture of delegation, so that "someone" could be a trusted 
builder for a range of packages (for example, I'd love it if 
Continuum/Enthought/similar could provide their builds of numpy/scipy as wheels 
and those projects would be willing to have them be the official PyPI 
downloads). This is roughly how the installers are handled, and 
while it may cause some lag between source and binary releases, I think the 
release cycles are slow enough that most users would only notice that "pip 
install numpy" now works.


> Regards
> Antoine.
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