> On Oct 29, 2014, at 11:37 AM, Steve Dower <steve.do...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> On Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:07:53 -0400
>> Tres Seaver <tsea...@palladion.com> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> On 10/29/2014 10:31 AM, R. David Murray wrote:
>>>> If you are writing code targeted for Windows, I think you are very 
>>>> likely to have an MSDN subscription of some sort if your package 
>>>> includes C code.  I'm sure it's not 100%, though.
>>> My experience with distributing distributions-with-extensions 
>>> indicates that the vast majority of Windows developers who are 
>>> "downstream" users for those distributions *cannot* build them from 
>>> source:  if there is no MSI / bdist_win (maybe now wheel), they won't use 
>>> the project.
>>> (Note that "having an MSDN subscription" is not the same as "knowing 
>>> how to configure which compiler such that it can bulid extensions 
>>> against an installed Python binary").
>> I don't think you have to configure anything. Just install the right Visual 
>> Studio version and it's done.
> The tricky part here is the *right* Visual Studio version. As many have 
> noted, there were bugs/missing components in some of the older Express 
> editions (like the 64-bit compiler integration), and even the compiler pack 
> we released recently doesn't actually help building Python itself, though 
> it's good for extensions. In general, VS 2008 Professional and VS 2010 
> Professional are easiest to set up if you can get them, the C++ Express 
> editions are fairly easy to set up, and the Windows SDK is difficult but 
> possible (and won't currently build CPython either, as the build depends on 
> VS - I'm also fixing this for 3.5).
> My ideal target (Utopia refined to be achievable) is for python-dev to handle 
> the Python binaries themselves (already done) and to make them easy to bundle 
> with applications/etc (I'm working on this for 3.5), and for PyPI to include 
> pre-built wheels for Windows where necessary.
> Note that I don't require package developers to build their own wheels, 
> though I think that they are generally the right people to be doing it. It 
> would be nice to create a culture of delegation, so that "someone" could be a 
> trusted builder for a range of packages (for example, I'd love it if 
> Continuum/Enthought/similar could provide their builds of numpy/scipy as 
> wheels and those projects would be willing to have them be the official PyPI 
> downloads). This is roughly how the python.org installers are handled, and 
> while it may cause some lag between source and binary releases, I think the 
> release cycles are slow enough that most users would only notice that "pip 
> install numpy" now works.

For the record, a long term “down the road” kind of thing I want to do is have 
PyPI have a build farm which can build Wheels. So that people upload a source 
distribution to PyPI and it kicks off Wheel builds on the various platforms 

What this looks like is a complete unknown, all I have is the general idea.

Donald Stufft
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