On 11/23/2014 10:14 AM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> On Sun Nov 23 2014 at 1:08:58 PM Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:
>> Dous GitHub support hg?  If not, I am strongly opposed.
> Depends on what you mean by "support". If you mean natively, then no. If
> you mean "I want more of a hg CLI" then you can get that with
> http://hg-git.github.io/ .

Well, if somebody documents it, I suppose I can follow along.  ;)

> And can I just say this is all bringing back "wonderful" flashbacks of the
> SourceForge to our own infrastructure move as well as the svn to hg move. =/

My apologies.  Change can be hard.

My concern is that we will end up with multiple different workflows depending 
on which part of Python we're working on,
which will lead to more time spent learning more about how to do it instead of 
doing it, and more time spent recovering
from errors because of the differences.


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