On 2/11/2016 12:22 AM, Georg Brandl wrote:
Hey all,

based on the feedback so far, I revised the PEP.  There is now
a much simpler rule for allowed underscores, with no exceptions.
This made the grammar simpler as well.

+1 overall


     # grouping decimal numbers by thousands
     amount = 10_000_000.0

     # grouping hexadecimal addresses by words
     addr = 0xDEAD_BEEF

     # grouping bits into bytes in a binary literal
nybbles, not bytes, is shown... which is more readable, and does group into bytes also.
     flags = 0b_0011_1111_0100_1110

+1 on 0b_ and 0X_ and, especially, 0O_ (but why anyone would use uppercase base designators is beyond me, as it is definitely less readable)

     # making the literal suffix stand out more
     imag = 1.247812376e-15_j

+1 on _j

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