On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 08:27:14PM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 8:06 PM, Jon Ribbens
> <jon+python-...@unequivocal.co.uk> wrote:
> > No, it still isn't. If the names blacklist had to keep being extended
> > then you would be right, but that hasn't happened so far. Whitelists
> > by definition contain only a small, limited number of potential moles.
> >
> > The only thing you found above that even remotely approaches an
> > exploit is the decimal.getcontext() thing, and even that I don't
> > think you could use to do any code execution.
> decimal.getcontext is a simple and obvious example of a way that
> global mutable objects can be accessed across the boundary. There is
> no way to mathematically prove that there are no more, so it's still a
> matter of blacklisting.

No, it's a matter of reducing the whitelist. I must admit that
I don't understand in what way this is not already clear. Look:

  >>> len(unsafe._SAFE_MODULES)

I could "mathematically prove" that there are no more security holes
in that list by reducing its length to zero. There are still plenty
of circumstances in which the experiment would be a useful tool even
with no modules allowed to be imported.

> I still think you need to work out a "minimum viable set" and set down
> some concrete rules: if any feature in this set has to be blacklisted
> in order to achieve security, the experiment has failed.

The "minimum viable set" in my view would be: no builtins at all,
only allowing eval() not exec(), and disallowing yield [from],
lambdas and generator expressions.
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