On 03/08/2016, Marcos Dione <mdi...@grulic.org.ar> wrote:
>     Hi pythonistas. A couple of moths ago I opened an issue in the bug
> tracker for adding a new syscall to the os module. It's based on new
> developments in the Linux kernel. Here's the link:
> https://bugs.python.org/issue26826

To give more context, this is about adding support for Linux’s
copy_file_range() system call.

>     After two months and a half I managed to create a nice patch with
> unit tests and documentation (yay!), but then the issue went cold. I
> would like to know how to proceed to get the issue going again.

I thought the main problem remaining was getting concensus about
adding it, since a couple people mentioned waiting for glibc support.
I don’t have much personal opinion on this, but FWIW I don’t see much
disadvantage in adding it now.

I did mean to look over your latest patch, but that has drifted
towards the bottom of my list of things to do :)
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