On 4 August 2016 at 06:32, Marcos Dione <mdi...@grulic.org.ar> wrote:
>     Maybe you're right. Maybe, to keep Python's own code simple, we could
> skip these optimizations, and leave them in a 3rd party module.

Having the scandir package on PyPI made it possible for folks to
quantify the benefits of the new os.scandir() call for different
workloads before we committed to adding it to the standard library. It
also had the benefit of allowing folks to achieve the speedups by
installing the library and changing their code if that was easier for
them than waiting for a new release of CPython and upgrading to it
(e.g. that's common for library authors that focus on Linux can often
require an extra C dependency without too much hassle, but also
frequently target the older versions of Python shipped by long term
support distros).

It seems to me that a dedicated "os_linux" addon module on PyPI could
serve a dual purpose in making updated os module APIs available on
older versions of Python, as well as in providing a venue for folks to
experiment with the performance of new syscalls before proposing them
for stdlib inclusion.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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