On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 8:14 AM, Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> wrote:
> But I don't think this fixes the problem.  Consider:
> Thread A calls Q = PyList_GetItem(L, 0), which returns a borrowed reference.
> Thread A then gets suspended, before it has a chance to Py_INCREF(Q).
> Thread B does L.clear(), the reference count of Q goes to 0, Q is added to
> the doomed objects list.
> Thread A gets to run again.  It does Py_INCREF(Q); Q's refcount is now back
> up to 1, as if Q had been resurrected.
> At some point in the future the "memory deallocation lock" is released and Q
> is deleted.
> If you say "well, just look at the reference count, and if it's 1 throw it
> off the doomed objects list", keep in mind that I no longer have accurate
> real-time reference counts.  These hacks where we play games with the
> reference count are mostly removed in my branch.

That's exactly what I would have said, because I was assuming that
refcounts would be accurate. I'm not sure what you mean by "play games
with", but it sounds like you have a much more sophisticated system
going on than I had in my head, and you'll need a correspondingly
sophisticated solution to this problem.

Like I said, others have thought a LOT more about this than I have.

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