On 2 November 2017 at 07:47, Ned Deily <n...@python.org> wrote:

> Happy belated Halloween to those who celebrate it; I hope it wasn't too
> scary!  Also possibly scary: we have just a little over 12 weeks remaining
> until Python 3.7's feature code cutoff, 2018-01-29.  Those 12 weeks include
> a number of traditional holidays around the world so, if you are planning
> on writing another PEP for 3.7 or working on getting an existing one
> approved or getting feature code reviewed, please plan accordingly.
> If you have something in the pipeline, please either let me know or, when
> implemented, add the feature to PEP 537, the 3.7 Release Schedule PEP.

My two main open items for 3.7 are:

- PEP 558 (formally defining expected semantics for local namespaces)
- making the points where we check for asynchronous signals more
deterministic (https://bugs.python.org/issue29988)

For 558, I'm finally happy with the proposed design, so I just need to sit
down and actually make a working write-through proxy implementation.

For the signal handling checks, the problem is that
https://bugs.python.org/issue29988#msg301869 makes me nervous about
adjusting the typical locations where interrupts get raised without also
making it easier to temporarily disable such checks (and having with
statements do so while calling cleanup functions).


P.S. Work on the latter issue provided the primary motivation for the new
per-opcode tracing feature: it lets us reliably inject expections at "bad"
times, so otherwise rare race conditions can be deliberately provoked.

Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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