Is there a major objection to just adding in explicit syntax for 
order-preserving dictionaries? To some extent that seems like a reasonable 
compromise position in an "explicit is better than implicit" sense. A whole lot 
of code is out there that doesn't require or expect order-preserving 
dictionaries - it would be nice to be able to differentiate out the parts where 
order actually *does* matter.

(Of course, given that CPython's implementation is order-preserving, a bunch of 
code is probably now being written that implicitly requires on this detail, but 
at least having syntax that makes that clear would give people the *option* to 
make the assumption explicit).

On 11/06/2017 01:19 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Nov 6, 2017, at 02:18, Paul Sokolovsky <> wrote:
>> What it will lead to is further fragmentation of the community. Python2
>> vs Python3 split is far from being over, and now there're splits
>> between:
>> * people who use "yield from" vs "await"
>> * people who use f-strings vs who don't
>> * people who rely on sorted nature of dict's vs who don't
> This is the classic argument of, do you proceed conservatively and use the 
> lowest-common denominator that makes your code work with the widest range of 
> versions, or do you ride the wave and adopt the latest and greatest features 
> as soon as they’re available?
> Neither answer is wrong or right… for everyone.  It’s also a debate as old as 
> the software industry. Every package, project, company, developer, community 
> will have to decide for themselves.  Once you realize you can’t win, you’ve 
> won! :)
> -Barry
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