2017-11-21 16:57 GMT+01:00 Eric Snow <ericsnowcurren...@gmail.com>:
>> I understand that moving global variables to _PyRuntime helps to
>> clarify how these variables are initialized and then finalized, but
>> memory allocators are a complex corner case.
> Agreed.  I spent a large portion of my time getting the allocators
> right when working on the original _PyRuntime patch.  It's tricky
> code.

Oh, I forgot to notify you: when I worked on Py_Main(), I got crashes
because PyMem_RawMalloc() wasn't usable before calling
Py_Initialize(). This is what I call a regresion, and that's why I
started this thread :-)

I fixed the issue by calling _PyRuntime_Initialize() as the very first
function in main().

I also had to add _PyMem_GetDefaultRawAllocator() to get a
deterministic memory allocator, rather than depending on the allocator
set an application embedding Python, we must be sure that the same
allocator is used to initialize and finalize Python.

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